
In the News – Online Obscenity
Toronto Internet Lawyer discussed the legality of posting the Luka Magnotta video on the Best Gore website with the national and international media. Mr. Zvulony took the position that the posting of the video violated Canada's obscenity laws.

Defamation Apologies
Should a person who defamed someone apologize publicly? What are the potential legal benefits and risks to making such apologies?

Defamation Defences – Fair Comment
The defence of fair comment allows for the free expression of opinions on matters of public interest.
![By Pete O'Shea [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons](
Responsible Communication
Defaming someone in a publication may be allowed by the courts if it's in the public interest and the author was diligent in their reporting.

Overview of Ontario’s anti-SLAPP Law
Ontario has an anti-SLAPP law intended to encourage expression and debate on matters of public interest, by discouraging meritless lawsuits meant to stifle that expression.

Winning Result: Anti-SLAPP Motion Dismissed
Defamation Lawyer, Gil Zvulony successfully defended an Anti-SLAPP that involved postings about a real estate agent on WeChat.

Defamation Law, Strategic Lawsuits, and Politics
Toronto Defamation lawyer Gil Zvulony spoke recently with the CBC about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's threat of defamation proceedings against opposition leader Andrew Scheer. Mr. Zvulony thought that Trudeau's faced an uphill battle in court and any lawsuit in Ontario would likely get dismissed under Ontario's anti-Gag Proceedings law.

Defamation in the Workplace
What are the legal repercussions when someone is the subject of a false and damaging statement in the workplace. Are there any special considerations that apply to the workplace?

Top Ten Tips for Internet Defamation Victims
This article explores ten essential tips for dealing with defamation on the internet. It provides some simple and practical advice to people who have been libeled on the internet, including how to determine the severity of the defamation, whether the posting is defamatory, and whether it is worth suing over.

Bad Reviews and Defamation Law in Canada
Toronto Internet and Defamation Lawyer, Gil Zvulony sat down with CBC's Carol MacNeil to discuss the legal issues surrounding negative online reviews.