In the News – Online Obscenity
Toronto Internet Lawyer discussed the legality of posting the Luka Magnotta video on the Best Gore website with the national and international media. Mr. Zvulony took the position that the posting of the video violated Canada's obscenity laws.

What is an Implied License in Canadian Copyright Law?
Copyright in Canada is protected by the Copyright Act ( R.S., 1985, c. C-42 ). Section 3 of the Copyright Act grants the owner of the copyright the sole right to reproduce copyrighted works. A copyright owner can give permission to reproduce the work. Such permission is, in legal jargon, called a "copyright licence".

Seizure of Intellectual Property to Enforce A Judgment
This discussion will not focus on royalties received from intellectual property, presumably these can be seized by garnishment. The discussion will focus on the seizure of the intellectual property itself.

Intellectual Property Law in Canada
Intellectual property rights are rights in things that you create with your mind. Most property rights protect physical things: if you buy a book, you own it as a physical object. But the book as a literary work is separate from the physical object, and the author needs to have some way to protect his or her rights in that literary work. That is why intellectual property rights were created: so people can protect, and profit from, the creations of their intellect and imagination.

Domain Name Disputes Lawyer
A domain name dispute is just what it sounds like: a dispute over the rightful use of an internet domain name.Someone might register a domain name that is similar to the name or trade-mark of an existing business. Sometimes this is done to fool people into thinking that the registrant is associated with that business. Other time it may be an example of cybersquatting, buying up a domain name for the purpose of selling it back to the person who has a legitimate business interest in the name.If someone has registered a domain name for some illegitimate purpose against your business, you have certain rights and remedies available to you.