In the News – Online Obscenity
Toronto Internet Lawyer discussed the legality of posting the Luka Magnotta video on the Best Gore website with the national and international media. Mr. Zvulony took the position that the posting of the video violated Canada's obscenity laws.
Defamation Apologies
Should a person who defamed someone apologize publicly? What are the potential legal benefits and risks to making such apologies?
Overview of Ontario’s anti-SLAPP Law
Ontario has an anti-SLAPP law intended to encourage expression and debate on matters of public interest, by discouraging meritless lawsuits meant to stifle that expression.
In the News: Our Lawyer Quoted in the Toronto Star
Gil Zvulony's opinion was recently featured in a Toronto Star article about Lottery disputes called:
"How to avoid sharks in office lottery pool" The gist of Gil's advice - "Get it in Writing"
Winning Result: Lawyer's Bill Reduced by 95%
Ms. Zvulony was successful in having a previous lawyer's bill judicially assessed and reduced by a whopping $124,000 (95% of the original bill). The previous lawyer appealed the Assessment Officer's decision to the Superior Court of Justice. Ms. Zvulony was successful in the Superior Court of Justice where Justice D. Aston said:
"The six accounts rendered by the solicitor totaled $137,054.58. They were assessed at $6,500.00, a reduction of more than $124,000.00. Because of the amounts paid on the interim accounts, the clients are entitled to a refund of $56,021.10 which includes $10,000.00 for the costs of the assessment itself."
The previous lawyer appealed to The Ontario Court of Appeal. Ms. Zvulony was successful in arguing that Justice Aston's decision should the upheld by the Court of Appeal of Ontario. The Court of Appeal awarded Ms. Zvulony's client an additional $5000 in costs.
Seizure of Intellectual Property to Enforce A Judgment
This discussion will not focus on royalties received from intellectual property, presumably these can be seized by garnishment. The discussion will focus on the seizure of the intellectual property itself.
Cyber-service ‘a new frontier’
Cyber-service ‘a new frontier’