
In the News – Online Obscenity

Toronto Internet Lawyer discussed the legality of posting the Luka Magnotta video on the Best Gore website with the national and international media. Mr. Zvulony took the position that the posting of the video violated Canada's obscenity laws.

The Internet Lawyer’s Toolbox

Below are links to various internet resources that I use on a regular basis. I find them indispensable to my internet law practice and thought I would share my favourites with the public. Of course, the links are provided for convenience only and I or the law firm do not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness or fitness for a particular purpose of the links and the information contained on any third party websites. If you have any suggestions for this page then feel free to contact me.

Is Deep Linking Legal?

When people link to websites, they often do not link to the homepage. Instead they link to the sub-page that contains the information they want to link to. This practice, of linking to a sub-page deep within a website, is called “deep linking.” What is not generally known is that there is some doubt as to the legality of deep linking, and some recent court decisions suggest that deep linking might be impermissible in some cases. This essay will discuss the existing law on deep linking and its implications for future developments.

E-Commerce Lawyer, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

A well drafted agreement that accurately reflects the intentions of the parties can be the ounce of prevention that will save you the need and pain of going to court. Conversely, a poorly drafted agreement that is vague or silent on an important issue may end up being a nightmare that causes more harm than good.

Domain Name Disputes Lawyer

A domain name dispute is just what it sounds like: a dispute over the rightful use of an internet domain name.Someone might register a domain name that is similar to the name or trade-mark of an existing business. Sometimes this is done to fool people into thinking that the registrant is associated with that business. Other time it may be an example of cybersquatting, buying up a domain name for the purpose of selling it back to the person who has a legitimate business interest in the name.If someone has registered a domain name for some illegitimate purpose against your business, you have certain rights and remedies available to you.

Libel on the Internet – Scam, Fraud, Complaints, Reviews

Has someone accused you of being a scam, a rip off, or a fraud. Are Google results ruining your reputation? Is your business being ruined by a malicious consumer complaint or someone seeking on-line revenge?

Google’s Legal Team Drops the Ball

It looks like Google's legal team dropped the ball on this one.

Obituary: LimeWire

Did anyone really believe that LimeWire's main purpose was not for sharing copyright material?