Entries by G Z

Online Harrasment

Toronto internet lawyer, Gil Zvulony was recently interviewed by City News about the laws dealing with online harassment and cyber bullying.

Top Ten Tips for Internet Defamation Victims

This article explores ten essential tips for dealing with defamation on the internet. It provides some simple and practical advice to people who have been libeled on the internet, including how to determine the severity of the defamation, whether the posting is defamatory, and whether it is worth suing over.

Predators on Dating Sites

Gil Zvulony spoke to CityNews about the problem of predators and pedophiles using dating websites to lure children. Gil cautioned that many dating websites do not verify the identity of their users.

Why Employers need an Employment Agreement

By Toronto Employment Lawyer, Karen Zvulony One of the best, and most cost-effective ways an employer can protect itself from paying costly severance and termination packages is by having a properly drafted and executed written employment agreement with its Employees that limits and outlines how much severance will be payable upon termination. As simple as it sounds, ensuring […]

Gil Zvulony’s Expert Opinion Cited by Federal Justice Minister

The federal government has introduced Bill C-13 ostensibly as an effort to address the problem of cyber-bullying. In November 2013, Toronto Internet Lawyer Gil Zvulony gave his views on the proposed legislation to the CBC. In a letter to the editor, Justice Minister, Peter Mackay, quoted Gil Zvulony’s opinion that “…there is a logical theme to all of this, in the sense that it’s trying to modernize [the code] for the digital age”.